Thursday, January 2, 2014


I found this on Pinterest and it seemed to be perfect for this blog and this challenge
I want each of the six or seven of you who are following this and I want my children who do not even know about this blog, to know what I know.  Words, our words, create an environment.
Words create a breeding ground for thought and conversation.
When I respond thoughtlessly to anyone, when I speak carelessly, I create a wall to communication.
"Words become the house you live in"
What kind of house do you live in?  What kind of environment do you want to create?
The question has come up one more time about how much time this will take?
It will take what ever you give to it.
Let's consider time for a moment.
Time is a commodity just like money.  It is spent or wasted according to our habits, our instincts, our choices and our lack of discretion.
Consider this...every day you are awarded 24 hours.  No one on this planet gets any more or any less than you.  Now you have this amazing fund to spend.  24 hours, 1440 minutes to spend every day.
Now let's make a budget for your time.  You must include the following in your budget.
personal hygiene
service to family and others
free time
That is your budget.
How much time you spend for each part of your budget with determine the balance* of your day and in turn your life.
How much time you spend on this project/challenge is entirely up to you. 
If you journal you may add one word and it's definition and your thoughts on that word to your daily journal.
If you facebook you can post your one word however often on your page with the definition and your thoughts on that word.
If you have a it
and if you have time
draw, doodle and create in a dictionary.
Tonight I chose the word time because you have questions and I have found what I think might help you. 
Consider time and what you have to spend on this project
You will find the time to do whatever you choose to do and what you cannot find time for is really not as important as you may think it is.
A little creative tip:
I added a little journal page to collect and organize my thoughts on time.  I simply glued it between two pages and it fit perfectly. I will be using this more often because it allows me to expound upon my thoughts as I become more entrenched in this challenge.
one more tip:
washi tape (be still my heart) works perfectly in my dictionary and I think it will work perfectly in yours as well.
p.s. I found tomorrow's word as I was writing this post which again proves to me that the words are speaking to me! (*balance)


  1. Michele, I had to add a couple thoughts to this one.

    There was a time, not long ago, when I was really struggling to fit scripture study in. Everyone has the same number of hours, but all things are not truly equal; I have two four-year-olds, for example, who take up more of my time. They were up before me, and by their bedtime I was exhausted (there is a reason that childrearing is for the young!). I finally decided that I would simply read until three words or phrases resonated for me, and then write those down. I found that the phrases that resonated said something about what I needed at the time, and that often, taken together, they held another message. (Don't mistake this for Mormon mysticism; it was simply that my mind was already attuned to certain things, so those things jumped out in my reading).

    When Sandie Davis pointed out your project on this blog, I realized it would dovetail perfectly with my current reading project, which I got from this pastor's blog:

    When I saw your dictionary project, I realized it would dovetail beautifully with my adaptation of Rainier's plan. Bought my dictionary (plus one for my 13-YO daughter) today. I'm looking forward to this year of art and spiritual study. Thanks!

  2. Oh my goodness....your words resonate with me. I have been inactive for a year and I am coming back through this process and the help of a friend and her scripture study challenge. I appreciate you and your participation in this challenge...I can't wait to see your dictionary and to hear updates on your journey.
